


〜99R〜 In search of the best ramen.

Thank you for visiting us. I'm a cooking dad who is addicted to English recently. Yokohama iekei ramencoocla I came to participate in the event to commemorate the 10,000th Twitter follower. It only takes a few minutes to wait for the bowl.…

For overseas people who are planning to visit Japan at the Olympics! ! When you come to Japan, go home with delicious ramen! !〜オリンピックで来日予定の海外の方へ!!日本に来たら美味しいラーメンを食べて帰ってね!!〜

Thank you for coming to read.I am a cooking father who wants to be chosen as an Olympic Ramen Goodwill Ambassador. 読みに来ていただきありがとうございます。 オリンピックラーメン親善大使に選ばれたいと思っているクッキング父ちゃんです。 If you…

How to Eat Iekei Ramen Correctly.Shouting love for cookla around the world‼️

Thank you for reading. 読みにきていただきありがとうございます。 I ’m a cooking dad who loves ramen. 家系ラーメンをこよなく愛するクッキング父ちゃんです。 I ’m visiting cookla today. 本日はクックらにお邪魔してます。 This shop is a meal tick…

I want people all over the world to know about this Cookla ramen

Welcome to this blog I'm クッキングdaddy Today we ’re going to introduce healthy and very delicious ramen Please look at the items on the table first It ’s artistic The ramen bowl came (着丼ってなんて言えばいいんだ…) Please look up Soft-…